Regenerative Living Part Two: The Pomegranate Circle

The Pomegranate Circle is the space which connects who I am and what I do at Tanglewood, with the wider world, through the power of individual mentoring, the synergistic healing of circle work and my writing and public engagement. The name itself ‘Pomegranate Circle’ embodies the subtlety and complexity which happens in this space, so let’s dig deeper into the name, its symbolism and application.


Regenerative Living Part One: Tanglewood

In Part One of this ‘Pomegranate Seed trilogy’, entitled Regenerative Living, I shared the story of the healing and regeneration of depleted farm land where I live in country Australia, into a verdant, productive permaculture inspired small holding. Tanglewood now flourishes and in turn provides food, shelter and healing for all of nature (humans included).   

This is Part Two, The Pomegranate Circle, which is the continuation of this story of co-creating spaces for healing, regeneration and flourishing. The focus in The Pomegranate circle is on regenerating ‘soul’. It has developed in tandem with Tanglewood, but goes far beyond the physical locale.

Introducing The Pomegranate Circle

The Pomegranate Circle is the space which connects who I am and what I do at Tanglewood, with the wider world, through the power of individual mentoring, the synergistic healing of circle work and my writing and public engagement.

The name itself ‘Pomegranate Circle’ embodies the subtlety and complexity which happens in this space, so let’s dig deeper into the name, its symbolism and application. 

 A Quick Exploration of All Things Pomegranate.

Tree: the pomegranate tree is a tree for all seasons. 

  • Spring- the tree is resplendent with young green foliage

  • Summer- a visual delight with the appearance of bright orange flowers amongst the deepening green 

  • Autumn: the swelling and harvesting of the pomegranates 

  • Winter: the tree sculpturally beautiful with the last of the fruit skins clinging on to bare branches.

The Fruit and Seeds: are highly esteemed and enjoyed in a variety of ways in many cultures around the world.

  • Medicinal benefits: the pomegranate fruit is known to be preventative and/or beneficial in healing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, oxidative stress and hyperglycaemia, amongst other things. 

  • Culinary enjoyment: The pomegranate juice is prized for making pomegranate molasses, pomegranate syrups, jams and elixirs, and more. The bright red arils (seeds) provide a splash of colour with the distinctive pomegranate flavour when added to dishes. This bitter sweet tang of pomegranate combines well with fruit, vegetables and meat and is a visual delight garnishing a salad. 

  • Art: The pomegranate also features in art genre including Middle Eastern and Persian art and in William Morris prints.

Symbolism: fertility, abundance, regeneration. The symbolism of the pomegranate is understood in many cultures around the world and goes as least as far back as story of the abduction of Persephone by Hades.  This is the ancient Greek mythological explanation for the changing of the seasons. Seasonal change is particularly evident in the cycle of the pomegranate tree itself.

  • The pomegranate is symbolic in many religions including Islam, Buddhism and Christianity. In the latter it is symbolic of new life.

  • In the Ayurvedic tradition of chakras, the pomegranate is associated with the second chakra, (the sacral chakra), and the colour orange. 

  • The tree of life which is depicted throughout cultures around the world, is often represented as a pomegranate tree. 

 A Quick Exploration of the Circle

Symbolism: unity, the infinite nature of energy, Self, and interdependence of all things. 

  • The circle represents the cyclic nature of all life, timelessness and wholeness. 

  • It is also a symbol used in many rituals such as weddings rings. 

  • Circles bring people together, hold spaces of safety, protection and unity
  • The power of the circle has been celebrated throughout history in dance (particularly in indigenous cultures)
  • Is present in physical installations in the landscape (Stone Henge).
  • Can be seen in children’s games (‘Duck, Duck, Goose’; Maypole dancing, and Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosie ) 
  • It is used symbolically in graphic design (the Olympic symbol),
  • It is important in Mathematics
  • And appears in art through the ages.

The Pomegranate Circle

I had been coaching for 17 years when I made the decision to reinvent my business. Accordingly, I renamed it The Pomegranate Circle to reflect what I found myself doing more and more. Which is what I am calling mentoring. I mentor to facilitate flourishing. More personal than corporate, but incorporating all of life. Drawing on experience-based wisdom and intuition but not ignoring the place of mastery and excellence.

So, what is it that I do?

 I co-create and hold space for the healing, transformation and regeneration of soul, so that all can flourish. This happens in several ways:

1.One-to one. This is the mentoring work I do with women. I mentor women who want to:

  • Celebrate their unique selves

  • Get (back) on track

  • Reinvent themselves

  • Journey to flourish, in all aspects of their lives. 

2. Women’s Circles

Together with Hanna Utzinger, we co-facilitate small groups of women to

  • Share story. This allows for the development of synergistic caring, learning and growing within the circle as we journey together
  • Build trusted relationship, which develop naturally within the circle
  • Take action to make the change we want to be in the world

3. Writing –you can read my LinkedIn posts and my Pomegranate Seeds (mini blog) @

4. Public Engagement, which includes 

Podcasts Interviews

  • ‘Flourishing Education’ with Fabienne Vailes  to be aired, Thursday 1 February 2024
  • ‘Into Your Life’ with Lenka and Natalie


Coming soon

  • I am co-hosting a new podcast with the marvellous Rachael Massey. Watch this space.
  • I am presenting a workshop with Silver Sirens in March 2024 on the topic of ‘Interconnectedness’
  • Explore what it means to flourish (individually and collectively) 
Multiple Pomegranate Circle Mentorship business cards forming a circle. Circles bring people together, hold spaces of safety, protection and unity.

By Way of Conclusion

Co-creating space for the healing and regeneration of soul is the inspiration and the substance of The Pomegranate Circle. It is interdependent with the flourishing of Tanglewood (which is the soil in which my own soul is nourished). I journey with and nourish the mentee and together we co-create the space which allows them to heal, regenerate and flourish. It is a journey which has a life of its own, emerging and unfolding as it will, within the safety of the Pomegranate Circle. 

And that Brings Us To

Part Three of the Pomegranate Seeds Regenerative Living Trilogy. 

Woodland Cottage

 Woodland Cottage is the work I do with Dave, my partner in life, holding space for co-creating healing and regeneration of society, so all can flourish.


Meet you there soon.

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