Mentoring to Flourish Part 2 (did you miss part 1?)
The dictionary definition of mentoring ‘is when someone shares their knowledge, wisdom, skills, and experience with another person to help them to progress.’
This definition however, doesn’t bring to life the reality of the mentoring I do as a femtor. So here is my definition.
Mentoring is the co-creating a safe and compassion-filled space for exploration, innovation, inspiration. A space which encourages understanding, growth, courage and change. In order to unconditionally flourish and achieve holistic well-being.
Likewise with the dictionary definition of flourishing which is ‘to grow and develop in a healthy and vigorous way especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment’.
…I feel the need to expand on this as well. So here is my additional definition.
Flourishing begins with the development of deep roots which can sustain personal and professional growth in all ‘weathers. Roots which enable us to be connected to ourselves, connected to each other and connected to the whole of nature
A Stroll with a View: Lessons from Skydiving
Down the road from my mother’s apartment there is a large park where a sky diving school operates. It is a spectacular venue with the mountains of the Illawarra Escarpment to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. On fine days the sky is periodically littered with jumpers- colourful parachutes slalom through the skyscape seemingly perilously over ocean and beach, before getting lined up on the flight path for the landing below.
You can hear the shouts between the novice and the experienced jumper at the death-defying moment before landing. Then almost instantly, the chute collapses to the ground like a discarded ball gown, delivering both people safely to earth again.
Adrenalin fueled laughter, exhilaration and sheer relief is palpable in the atmosphere on the lawns outside the sky diving office. Another safe jump completed for 9 willing novices and their mentors.

Preparing for the Leap: The Role of a Mentor
As a novice jumper you have no doubt done the training and know the theory, inside out. You have rehearsed over and over. You have checked and double checked your gear. To be sure to be sure, as the Irish say. You may have even done some mental rehearsals or visualisations to ensure that your experience goes smoothly.
Excellent preparation. You are psyched up. Moreover, you are probably simultaneously excited and terrified.
Fortunately, you have been assigned an experienced mentor. This is not a luxury. It is a necessity. An OH&S measure. Part of your due diligence.
A Novice Doesn’t Jump Alone
Because you have the experience of a skydiving mentor with you, you will jump with the certainty of landing safely. Therefore, you are able to ‘relax’, enjoy the experience and become more experienced yourself. Not just survive the experience, but flourish!
Metaphorical Skydiving: Taking the Leap in Life
Perhaps you plan to make a metaphorical jump, take a metaphorical sky dive? What makes it less terrifying is being accompanied by a mentor for your initial jump.
This is not a luxury. It is a necessity. An OH&S measure. Part of your due diligence.
Provides peace of mind.

Not Pie in the Sky at All
As a novice sky diver, you flourish in your first jump when you have not only good weather conditions, favourable winds but because you have your mentor with you.
A mentor is not unlike the experienced sky diver who accompanies you on your initial jump. They share their knowledge, experience and skills with you as needed. They hold the space so that you can optimise the experience, knowing that you will and ‘land’ safely.
In life, Mentoring to Flourish provides you with protective factors of support and experience, wisdom and skill, so that you can flourish in circumstance such as:
- preparing to take a metaphorical leap
- explore your dreams…
- reconfiguring your life
Mentoring to Flourish with a Femtor
A femtor is a female mentor.
- As a femtor I co-create and hold space for you to explore, plan and dream about your jump before you take the step
- I hold the space for you so you can debrief and evaluate throughout the experience
- I co-create a space which is compassion filled, without shame or blame
- I hold the space for you to be you, to make your own mistakes and learn deeply
- A space to further your flourishing.
The End with a Beginning
By way of ending, I invite you to ‘Meet the Femtor’. Make a time to have a chat about what Mentoring to Flourish could look like for you.
I want you to flourish.