Future Steading: Saving Tomorrow In The Now

Future Steading is a mindful approach to sustainable living, blending soil, soul, and society for a thriving future. At Tanglewood, we cultivate our land with purpose, raising animals, growing food, and building community. Our internships offer hands-on experience in permaculture and regenerative practices, inviting others to join the future steading movement. Discover more about how we nurture resilience and connection today for a sustainable tomorrow.

An easy definition of Future Steading is this: Futuresteading is about our relationship with soil, soul and society in the present and for the future good of all. 

But of course it is more than this. Future Steading is an intention, a heart state, a  mindset and a practical paradigm for decision making.

Future Steading at Tanglewood is about how we show up on a daily basis. And how we show up in our relationship and connection to the earth, ourselves and all living things. 

Saving People and the Planet Now and Tomorrow!

That is the point of Futuresteading! Our version of Future Steading will look different to your version. And no two versions are the same. That in and of itself is brilliant.

We live on two acres which we have under cultivation in a permaculture inspired garden. We have ducks and chooks; an orchard and grow vegetables year round.

What all our versions of Future Steading have in common with your versions is that the three broad areas of soil, soul and society are in a complex and life giving relationship with each other. A relationship which is nurtured and nourished so that all on the planet can grow and flourish together, today and into the future.

Working Together for a Better Tomorrow: Future Steading and Living Systems

It is important to understand however that we and all living systems are an integral whole and that these categories of soil, soul and society are useful for the purpose of explanation. They are both a practical way to communicate and an artificial construct. They don’t really exist as separate entities (soil, soul and society) but are inextricably interconnected and are an expression of the greater whole. 

Future Steading and Change

Change however always begins inside of us. It is part of the pattern of challenge, curiosity and growth. Change is regenerative and so is Future Steading. We are no different to many other Future Steaders who are on a journey of discovery.

Rachael and David sorting seeds on the Tanglewood farm

For me change began as I began to live in harmony with the land:

  • My body clock found solace in the circadian rhythm.
  • My soul found peace in the gentle rhythm of seasons, with a time of deep introspection in both mid winter and mid summer.
  • I sought out and settled into a tribe of like minded people, who supported my values and vision.

For my husband his change began as he opened his heart and opened the property up to others. He  began sharing the great wisdom which he has accumulated over decades of living close to the land.

Wisdom, knowledge and curiosity in understanding weather patterns and reading the land; living with environmental well being as a top priority and making eco friendly decisions on a daily basis.

Enriching Tomorrow with the Power of Now: Tanglewood in 2024.

As I briefly mentioned above, Tanglewood is a physical entity of two acres. It has a main house and as of September 2024, a new cottage, Woodland Cottage, which we built specifically to bring others into the Tanglewood community.

Woodland Cottage at dusk

The Tanglewood community however began in earnest during COVID when we were able to host and receive help from city dwellers who were happy to spend time with us in our permaculture garden. 

Their input was immeasurably enriching for our lives at the time which included grandma Audrey who was living with us then, aged 95. In turn, it was obvious that the enrichment was mutual.

Many people came and worked for anything from a number of hours up to a day at a time. They all went away renewed, inspired and enriched. The often heard statement was, 

“I feel so much better after spending time at Tanglewood.”

It became obvious to us that if we had separate accommodation at Tanglewood we could expand and extend community involvement beyond day visits with mutual benefit for everybody.

As so began the building of Woodland Cottage in May 2020. Currently Woodland Cottage is home to the inaugural Tanglewood Intern in Residence, Rachael Massey. It has taken 4.5 years to complete the cottage and set up this internship and we are off to a brilliant start with Rachael.

Future Steading Now in 2024

Our top priority over the past weeks was to find out what Rachael wanted to learn, what was her level of experience with working with the land and how Tanglewood could accommodate these.

Leonie-Ruth, David and Rachael having their first team meeting at Tanglewood for th Permaculture Internship

Having established this, we then tailored the internship to meet her needs and to shape a program of learning for the coming weeks.

Soil: Rachael has been a part of the spring planting; she has learnt a lot about weeding and mulching; pruning and tending seedlings. She is being mentored in composting and cooking from the kitchen garden.

Soul: Having strong intergenerational interaction and friendship which support the Tanglewood motto of learning, growing, caring and sharing is a constant source of joy for us.

From our point of view not only has the time flown since Rachael took up residence in Woodland Cottage but our lives at Tanglewood have been incredibly enriched by her presence already. She is thoughtful, intelligent, respectful, hardworking and willing to learn. She brings a gentle and curious disposition to all she does.

Society: Reaching out beyond the physical two acres of Tanglewood is part of the Future Steading community building. Rachael has made several farm visits including an alpaca farm, a biodynamic goal farm, Brogo permaculture garden and Jerrabut market garden.

Rachael has participated in the maintenance and repair of the zip line and children’s railway line (made from upcycled trampoline parts) which are drawing cards for young and old who visit Tanglewood.

Rachael’s internship is halfway through. As with all learning, it’s a two-way process. Rachael brings her own strength and understanding to the table at Tanglewood including: exceptional organizational strategies (three cheers), a love of making shrubs (drinking vinegars) and knitting.

A word of Caution

As with all heart intentions, the reality day to day is often less than ideal. Compromises need to be made. Adjustments and relearning are constant companions. Humility and a sense of humour are our other great friends. Life never goes quite the way we hope and plan. However…


Future Steading makes our experience of today and all our tomorrows richer, for each of us and for the planet. It is realistic, idealistic and holistic all at once.

Because Future Steading is a heart intention, what you and I do and how we show up today, counts. 

Counts right now,

Counts tomorrow,

Counts in all the tomorrows to come.

Count yourself into Future Steading and experience the richness of life now and into the future.

If this speaks to your soul and you‘re interested in doing an internship at Tanglewood check out our page.

Learn more about regenerative living in blog. 

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