Do you struggle at times to get the sh*t done!? Then this is a good news story for you, fellow ADHD’ers. If you, like me, have unsuccessfully wrestled with task paralysis; bravely grappled with ADHD overwhelm, and experienced enormous frustration and humiliation with executive function issues. Know this-help is at hand.
Yep, you read correctly. Help is at hand.
Enter ‘The ADHD Get Sh*t Done Guru’
Over the past couple of months I have been working with the ‘Get Sh*t Done Guru,’ Rachael Massey.
This has been cathartic experience. It has brought welcome change into my life. Calmed my mind and motivated me to try things which I had previously been terrified of. In short it has been:
Rachael Works in a Wonderful Way
This is more than a superficial alliteration. Rachael has equipped me to tackle the areas of my life which have been either overwhelming (tech issues) or stagnating (my pantry).
She has helped heal a lot of trauma. Trauma:
- I held around the chaos I brought to take tasks relating to executive functioning
- which was preventing me from starting tasks I needed to get on with
- which was holding me back from understanding and engaging intelligently with the task once I started
- which was a huge road block to me finishing the said task
- which lead to a heap of guilt and shame

Tools, Tips and Triaging
Rachael worked with me to find the tools which spoke to me. The tools which work for MY brain. Yes, my brain. This is a very special experience.
Unlike much of the information which is readily available to support ADHD’ers, this is not a generic approach. Not an approach which is essentially a ‘one size fits all’ – which makes it a bit like Russian roulette.
There is Nothing Left to Chance with the Get Sh*t Done Guru
No Russian roulette with Rachael. She closely observed how my brain works and worked with me to develop structures to work with my brain. Work with, not against my brain. Breakthrough!!
And that is a very important component of working with her.
As a consequence not only is “stuff” getting done but I feel totally supported.
And held.
Held in the space which hitherto terrified and further traumatised me.
But not anymore.
Writing and Rabbit Holes
Even as I write this I marvel that I am doing it – efficiently and I trust, effectively. That I am getting my idea across to you – in this case the idea that I have had some pretty serious help and as a result am engaging with my work in a new and freeing way.
Let me give you a bit of background. I have hated writing all my life-avoided it -particularly professional writing-because my brain would start me off with great enthusiasm but then I would end up down multiple rabbit holes. Lost. Confused. Frustrated.
My brain has so many ideas all at once, that I start down multiple rabbit holes and lose my reader before the thread of what I am saying has been discovered.
I would spend inordinate amounts of time writing and re-writing and re-re-writing a post for LinkedIn, and even more time on my monthly blog post for this website.
It was an exhausting process and I was mentally exhausted.
Three Tips and I’m Done
Rachael helped me get sorted. With three easy focus questions. Writing is not exactly a breeze for me yet, (is it ever, for anyone?) but I now write with unprecedented ease.
These are the magic questions:
- What is at the heart of this story?
- Why does(….whomever) want to hear this story?
- What was the specific impact/influence on me? Is there one short specific example in my life I can share??
You may look at these three questions and think “Not rocket science” and you would be right. But here’s the ‘thing’: for me they are the very elixir of writing.
I remind myself of them before I start.
I refer back to them as I type. Again and again if necessary.
I check with them at the end.
They keep me focused, out of gratuitous rabbit holes and remarkably emotionally light (rather than twisted and contorted inside with the frustration of partially or unexpressed ideas).
I now write with joy. Unimpeded by the hazards of rabbit holes, land mines or anything else my fabulous brain might drop into the line of communication without my permission!!
Sorted and no longer mentally exhausted.
Documents, Details and Data
But that is not all.
Files and folders have had me tied up in knots. All open at once. Browser overload. Never quite knowing what was where. Or why?
“Google Docs” they all said,” is what you need”
I had tried and failed. Miserably.
(yes, we all have our own bête noire).
Engulfed in shame and guilt- shame that I needed to be more up-to-date, guilty that I needed to be better organised, yadda yadda. So I got nowhere on the treadmill of ADHD procrastination and overwhelm.
After all, where to begin??
Then Rachael brings in her powers of observance with her bottomless supply of patience. She walks me through a system which would work for me. Together we set it up. Then I begin to fly solo.
It works. We tweak it.
I make progress.
I still have questions and wrinkles to sort out but I function with much more ease. Which facilitates my writing (see above) and my many other projects.

Backtrack a Moment: History and Geography
Let’s stop here right now before I get any further into the blog. I want you to know this, I have been regarded by others as competent and highly successful all my life.
I have had several successful careers, high level roles and responsibilities. I speak several languages (Japanese, Swahili and Indonesian).
I play multiple musical instruments (classical violin and ‘revolutionary’ viola- jazz; ragtime; Cuban and Latin) and rudimentary piano.
In addition to my coaching and mentoring, advocacy and activism, I help run a 2 acre permaculture inspired biodynamic farm.
I have been a high functioning (recently diagnosed) ADHD woman with masking and overachieving as my mantle of protection. This has been to the detriment of my:
- body (one stroke)
- mind (several mental health incidents throughout my life)
- spirit (I have never felt ‘enough.’ Always felt broken and in need of fixing)
But no more.
With Rachael’s Discernment and Help
- I have put in place better systems which serve to corral the chaos and create calm and confidence in my work practices
- I now have additional energy for creativity and enjoying life
- I use strategic measures which make up from my lack of attention to detail
The specific examples (note point three of the Rachael magic questions) I share above with my writing breakthrough and Google Docs revelation, demonstrates that it is possible to tame the beast.
I enter the current decade of the third millennium with greater confidence and facility with good old Google docs up and running, sharing documents and knowing where I am and why I am there.
A lifetime first for me. Thank you Rachael.
So that is it folks. An unexpected high for the end of the year. Statements such as ‘life changing’ ‘sheer bliss’, and ‘why did I wait so long to do this’…all come to mind.
The amount of energy I have hitherto spent organising my wonderful but scattered mind (ADHD plus plus) has suddenly and dramatically decreased. To the point where the impact of what I do now far exceeds the energy I have inputted.
Which all means I get more done with less effort, reduced frustration and increased competence. Something akin to a miracle.
A recommendation from me to you – if you too, need to get sh*t done and your ADHD brain is holding you back – study, organisation whatever…give the ADHD Get Sh*t Done Guru a go.
I did. I am ever so grateful that I trusted my gut, paid my money, did the work and now proudly wear the ‘Get Sh*t Done T-shirt’ (metaphorically).
I am going back for more in 2025 – I still have an admin fear that could be less debilitating, a data allergy and an anaphylactic reaction to documents.
But progress is progress.